UD Finnish-FTB: The UD version of FinnTreeBank 1

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UD Finnish-FTB: FinnTreeBank 1:n UD-versio


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This resource contains a representation of the Finnish TreeBank 1 (2014) in the Universal Dependencies (UD) framework, https://universaldependencies.org/.

FinnTreeBank 1 has been included in the Universal Dependencies project since the UD v1.1 release. The original FinnTreeBank 1 (see http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-20140730138) consists of about 19000 grammatical example sentences from VISK (Ison suomen kieliopin verkkoversio, the online version of the Large Grammar of Finnish), manually annotated with dependency-syntactic descriptions. The grammatical annotations were originally produced and further revised in FIN-CLARIN projects at the University of Helsinki. The UD version of FinnTreeBank 1 was created by converting the content from the native annotation model by an automatic mapping of the labels. In order to approximate the UD Finnish model, some restructuring and manual revision was performed. At the University of Helsinki, Jussi Piitulainen and Hanna Nurmi contributed to the conversion of the original resource.

More information on UD Finnish FTB: https://universaldependencies.org/treebanks/fi_ftb/index.html

The Web Version of the Large Grammar of Finnish (VISK) is available online as http://scripta.kotus.fi/visk (URN:ISBN:978-952-5446-35-7).

New releases of this resource will be published according to the UD publication policy. For more information, please see the home page of the UD project: https://universaldependencies.org/

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