Aalto University DSP Course Conversation Corpus (2013-2014)

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Aalto-yliopiston DSP-kurssin keskustelukorpus (2013-2014)

DSPCON 2013-2014

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Aalto University DSP Course Conversation Corpus contains transcribed recordings of Finnish conversations by Digital Signal Processing course students in Aalto University, Finland, from year 2013 to 2014. The intention has been to use the data to build better models for automatic speech recognition of conversational Finnish.

117 different students had conversations in pairs, recorded their own conversations, and transcribed at least 20 utterances each. In total there are
2532 utterances in 5 hours of audio. The corpus includes audio files, handwritten word-level transcripts, and phone-level alignments generated using the Aalto ASR system.

The corpus will be made available in LAT (http://lat.csc.fi).

License details: https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/FinCLARIN/ClarinEulaAcaNCDep.

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