Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
ePooki 54/2020

R2R printing – a short video introduction

11.8.2020 ::


Nimeke: R2R printing – a short video introduction

Tekijä: Määttä Harri

Aihe, asiasanat: massatuotanto, tulostettava elektroniikka, mass production, printed electronics

Tiivistelmä: Roll-to-Roll (R2R) printing methods is not just one but several different methods of printing electronics. Most of the methods are being used in so called "traditional printing" such as magazines, packaging and decoration. R2R methods are especially suitable for mass manufacturing. Mass manufacturing methods enable a new approach to product development and fabrication. Developing the methods in small scale first is in many cases easier and reduces the time of development and decreases the material loss. The video presents a short introduction on small scale R2R machine and guidance on the most important parameters.

Videon kesto: 16:59

Julkaisija: Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu, Oamk

Aikamääre: Julkaistu 2020-08-11

Pysyvä osoite: http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-597-195-1

Kieli: englanti

ISBN: 978-951-597-195-1

Suhde: http://urn.fi/URN:ISSN:1798-2022, ePooki - Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus- ja kehitystyön julkaisut

Oikeudet: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Näin viittaat tähän julkaisuun

Määttä, H. 2020. R2R printing – a short video introduction. ePooki. Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus- ja kehitystyön julkaisut 54. Hakupäivä 26.4.2024. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-597-195-1.

Roll-to-Roll (R2R) printing methods is not just one but several different methods of printing electronics. Most of the methods are being used in so called "traditional printing" such as magazines, packaging and decoration. R2R methods are especially suitable for mass manufacturing. Mass manufacturing methods enable a new approach to product development and fabrication. Developing the methods in small scale first is in many cases easier and reduces the time of development and decreases the material loss.

The video presents a short introduction on small scale R2R machine and guidance on the most important parameters. This video is spoken in English and subtitles are also available in English.

Director Harri Määttä Writer Harri Määttä Editor Harri Määttä Producer Oulu University of Applied Sciences

The video is a result of ESF co-funded 6Aika project Digikyvykkyys: Digikyvykkyyden päivitys verkostotalousyhteiskunnassa Digikyvykkyys-hanke. 2020. Hankkeen verkkosivut. Hakupäivä 12.5.2020. https://www.digikyvykkyys.fi/, which aims to develop the skills for printed electronics competence. The project is carried out at Oamk and University of Oulu in 2018–2021. Machine introduced was originally acquired at ERDF co-funded project PrinLab Oamk. Prinlab. Laboratorion verkkosivut. Hakupäivä 12.6.2020. http://www.oamk.fi/prinlab at 2011–2012.
