Quantitative evaluation of key properties of dry and wet metal oxides and metal hydroxides as well as of their potential determining cations in aqueous solutions

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When potential determining cations are dissolved from solids, it is a reversed process to precipitation of solids from their electrolyte solutions. In both cases there is a transport of substance and charges across the solid-liquid interface. It is obvious that a comprehensive understanding of the process involves characterization of the (dry) solid, of the solid-liquid interface and of the potential determining cation electrolyte. The aim of this review is to quantitatively evaluate the most important properties of metal oxides and metal hydroxides, of their constituent cation electrolytes and of their interactions at the solid-liquid interface. In this way the relations between commonly used key parameters frequently reported in text-books and listed in tables can be established. No external additive, other than protons/ hydroxyls (pH) are introduced to the system. Moreover, the most successful semi-quantitative models for solids cohesion and dissolution, for cation release from their native solids and for cation interaction with water are reviewed. In order to secure credibility 148 samples (1 < zM < 8) were selected for this quantitative evaluation. The key properties are listed in 22 Tables, 8 extensive Appendices and mutually correlated in 37 Figs. For mutual comparison energies are scaled as kJ/mol.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102592
JournalAdvances in Colloid and Interface Science
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022
MoE publication typeA2 Review article in a scientific journal


  • Atomization, single bond and covalent bond energies
  • Cohesion of ionic and covalent metal oxides and metal hydroxides
  • Hydrolysis, hydroxyl complexation, acid protolysis and PCM model
  • Lattice, electrovalent bond, Born type electrostatic and dipolar energies
  • Proton association MUSIC model and cation adsorption DLVO double-layer model
  • Solubility and dissolution products


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