Next-generation business models for artificial intelligence start-ups in the healthcare industry

Ignat Kulkov*

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Purpose: Value creation based on artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly change global healthcare. Diagnostics, therapy and drug discovery start-ups are some key forces behind this change. This article aims to study the process of start-ups' value creation within healthcare. Design/methodology/approach: A multiple case study method and a business model design approach were used to study nine European start-ups developing AI healthcare solutions. Obtained information was performed using within and cross-case analysis. Findings: Three unique design elements were established, with 16 unique frames and three unifying design themes based on business models for AI healthcare start-ups. Originality/value: Our in-depth framework focuses on the features of AI start-up business models in the healthcare industry. We contribute to the business model and business model innovation by systematically analyzing value creation, how it is delivered to customers, and communication with market participants, as well as design themes that combine start-ups and categorize them by specialization.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
Publication statusPublished - 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Business model design
  • Healthcare
  • Value creation


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