Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
ePooki 4/2014

An active attitude and the spirit of doing. Hands-on work and results at the Information Technology department of Oulu UAS


Nimeke: An active attitude and the spirit of doing. Hands-on work and results at the Information Technology department of Oulu UAS

Tekijä: Nousiainen Eero; Peltola Anne; Ilmakangas Virpi; Rontu Riitta (toim.)

Aihe, asiasanat: alueellinen yhteistyö, ohjelmistosuunnittelu, opetus, opetusmenetelmät, opinnäytteet, opiskelu, opiskeluympäristö, projektioppiminen, projektit, projektityö, suunnittelu, tieto- ja viestintätekniikka-ala, tutkimustoiminta, tuotekehitys, tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminta, työelämävalmiudet, yritysyhteistyö

Tiivistelmä: Oulu UAS educates professionals for the needs of Northern Finland, whose competence corresponds to the needs and development of working life in the region. We react quickly to the changes occurring in working life and the requirements of new competence.

At the degree programme of Information Technology we aim to develop our teaching to include more real-life project work: our curricula include increasingly more company-related projects. This way we are able to provide our students with a more realistic view of the everyday work at companies, and also improve their employment opportunities.

The purpose of this publication is to spread the word about the projects and results achieved by the students and staff of the Information Technology department. In addition to student projects, our department is also involved in many domestic and international projects well worth mentioning. Yearly, our students complete hundreds of thesis and project work. This publication also presents good examples of our successful projects.

Julkaisija: Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu, Oamk

Aikamääre: Julkaistu 2014-03-20

Pysyvä osoite: http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-597-101-2

Kieli: suomi

Sivumäärä: 34

Laajuus: 9,80 Mt

ISBN: 978-951-597-101-2

Suhde: http://urn.fi/URN:ISSN:1798-2022, ePooki - Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus- ja kehitystyön julkaisut

Oikeudet: Julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja tulostaa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.

Näin viittaat tähän julkaisuun

Nousiainen, E., Peltola, A., Ilmakangas, V. & Rontu, R. (toim.) 2014. An active attitude and the spirit of doing. Hands-on work and results at the Information Technology department of Oulu UAS. ePooki. Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus- ja kehitystyön julkaisut 42. Hakupäivä 5.5.2024. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-597-101-2.

Oulu UAS educates professionals for the needs of Northern Finland, whose competence corresponds to the needs and development of working life in the region. We react quickly to the changes occurring in working life and the requirements of new competence.

At the degree programme of Information Technology we aim to develop our teaching to include more real-life project work: our curricula include increasingly more company-related projects. This way we are able to provide our students with a more realistic view of the everyday work at companies, and also improve their employment opportunities.

The purpose of this publication is to spread the word about the projects and results achieved by the students and staff of the Information Technology department. In addition to student projects, our department is also involved in many domestic and international projects well worth mentioning. Yearly, our students complete hundreds of thesis and project work. This publication also presents good examples of our successful projects.

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