The Finnish sub-corpus of the Classics Library of the National Library of Finland - Kielipankki version, VRT

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Kansalliskirjaston klassikkokirjaston suomenkielinen osakorpus - Kielipankki-versio, VRT


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This corpus is available for download in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland.

This resource contains the Finnish part of the Classics Library of the National Library of Finland in the VRT (VeRticalized Text) format.

The data set in Finnish includes 686 works out of the whole data set of 968 works in Finnish and Swedish, gathered from Doria and processed by Niklas Alén in April 2017.

The data set in Doria is an accumulating resource: and it comprises works of established Finnish authors published from 1549 onwards. The corpus includes classical literature, e.g. prose, plays and poetry. The time coverage for the Kielipankki version is 1549-1944, with the exception of Maria Jotuni's 'Huojuva Talo' published in 1963.

A list of all works in Finnish in the Kielipankki version sorted by the author is available at

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