Classics of English and American Literature in Finnish, Scrambled Paragraphs

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Englantilaisen ja amerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden klassikoita suomeksi, sekoitetut kappaleet


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The resource is a sub-corpus of Classics of English and American Literature in Finnish (

The resource is available in Kielipankki - The Language Bank of Finland at and contains the following texts with paragraphs scrambled:

suomentanut Kersti Juva: Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo, Teos, 2013 Alkuteos Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

suomentanut Kersti Juva: Washingtonin aukio, Otava, 2003 Alkuteos Henry James, Washington Square

suomentanut Kersti Juva: Kolea talo, Tammi, 2006 Alkuteos Charles Dickens, Bleak House

License: (in Finnish:

Change log
- Tokenization has been fixed
- The order of results has changed.
16.01.2018 Name changed from "Classics of English and American Literature in Finnish, Scrambled Sentences and Paragraphs" to "Classics of English and American Literature in Finnish, Scrambled Paragraphs"
- Part-of-speech-tagging has been added
- Korp shows more descriptive corpus descriptions, licence information and data URNs
- Some text attribute labels have been changed in Korp
- The data has scrambled paragraphs, but sentences within each paragraph are in the original order
For more information on these changes please see

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  • TDT alpha
  • FiNER