Authors: Anu Verma and Eila Burns| 


In the present times, digitalization is deeply penetrating our lives from all directions. Digital world transforms our traditional lives into smart lives paving ways to innovative and intelligent learning. In the era of digital education, the ongoing technical advancements, and the skills needed for the 21st century learners have changed the ways of teaching and learning environments and demanded different expertise from teacher educators. This paper discusses some dimensions of digital education and its connections to teacher educators’ wellbeing having a particular focus on Indian education.

Key words: digital education, wellbeing, teacher educator, higher education institution, work-life balance, Indian education


In the era of constant change working in educational institutions has undergone a revolutionary change. The employees spend majority of years of their life at their workplace, thus work environments greatly influence the attitude and behavioural patterns of an individual directly or indirectly and it either enhances or deteriorates the quality of life. Typically, teacher educators have been the nation builders, nurturing the young teachers’ minds preparing them for their future careers. This ideology was challenged during the pandemic with more integration of technology in education affecting teacher educators wellbeing in India.The organizations that manage to create a healthy environment sustain their employees longer as their employees have a sense of belonging and self-respect (Chen, et al., 2022).

In the present scenario, the teaching profession is characterized by high levels of burnout and is weakening the pillars of teaching community (Tripathi, 2020). Although, studies have been conducted focusing on the use of digital platforms enhancing teaching and learning processes and students’ wellbeing, less focus has been put on teacher educators’ wellbeing. The topic that has become a sensitive issue in public policy and debates in India. Teachers’ and teacher educators’ wellbeing is crucial to support their abilities to teach effectively and creatively both in face-to-face settings and in digital platforms and to build good relationships with students. This will in turn enhance students’ achievement and wellbeing and promote the organizational effectiveness.  

Role of teacher educators in India

The role of teacher educators is important. In India, the use of digital technology is deeply embedded in the education system, thus, the traditional ways of teaching and learning have become less effective. This adds to the role of educators beyond serving as the transmitters of knowledge and different essential skills are required to deal with many demands. Teacher educators need to follow global standards of education, promote collaborative learning and support groups representing diversified cultures, religions, and lifestyles. Thus, in India, it is necessary to promote learning beyond the classroom boundaries integrating interdisciplinary issues ranging from environment, finance, civic literacy to health with the academic subjects to make the purpose of education more meaningful. In India, teacher educators and teachers are seen as being important contributors to the development of the nation (Barman, Bhattacharyya & Barman, 2015).

During post covid phase, the series of closure/reopening of the educational institutions were changing protocols continually and the notion of being infected or infecting others created a fear of being in contact with others. In India, more focus was devoted on students’ wellbeing and respecting the consent of the students and parents willing to send their children offline or online lessons. In India, the classes were supported by hybrid teaching, flipped classrooms and blended learning that has changed the role of teacher educators. They are now facilitators, supervisors, guides, friends, philosophers, counsellors, mentors and co-learners.

In addition, teacher educators need to take care of their performance level and their emotions, and mentor their students whenever required. This situation has created a new culture in India leading to a carefree attitude among students as they have started taking the teachers and the education system lightly. This has caused many teacher educators being exhausted, which has gradually reflected on their mental wellbeing in terms of reduced interpersonal relations, feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness and even suicidal thoughts.

With the revolutionary, digital change in the education has not only achieved the goal of connecting students academically but has also led to the internet addiction. It has made a way to greater dependence of people on the technology in their hands (Rahamathulla, 2020). It has influenced all higher education institutions worldwide affecting the lifestyle of the student population studying and leaving wellbeing of the teacher educators at the crossroads.

Wellbeing of teacher educators in India

Teacher educators’ wellbeing can be understood as a multidimensional construct influenced by many components such as work engagement, interpersonal relationships, organizational practices, positive emotions, value system, management dealings, work environment (Acton & Glasgow, 2015) or workforce in a direct or indirect manner on the behaviour, job satisfaction and wellbeing of the employees.

Teacher educators’ wellbeing is very significant for the optimal functioning of the education system, although it is a sensitive issue. In India, the current education trends emphasise learner centredness that is not discussed and/or designed sufficiently leaving some teacher educators with disturbed work-life balance, burnouts, anxiety and stress. There are many factors influencing the wellbeing of the teacher educators.  Teacher educators’ wellbeing has a positive influence not only on their teaching efficacy but also on student outcomes as well as on the climate of the educational institute (Dreer, 2022). In the present times, teacher educators’ wellbeing is broadly associated with the responses to the cognitive, emotional and social conditions as well as adaptability for changes The work environment, professional ethics, work opportunities, organizational behaviour, the policies, and management support are also greatly associated with the wellbeing of teacher educators (Viac & Fraser, 2020).

Many studies have witnessed benefits of digital education such as, student engagement through online tutorials collaboration projects worldwide (e.g. Al Rawashdeh, 2021). But at the same time, it has commercialized education and reduced one-to-one connections between students and faculty members. In India, we have noticed that digital education may cause stress as well as social and emotional challenges if technological support from the institution is inadequate. Some teacher educators have felt pressured of constant technological updates and providing emotional and academic support to their students while trying to balance their work and professional life. Subsequently, this has adversely affected their interpersonal relationships and even their mental and physical wellbeing.

In India, teacher educators were trained to upload resources, assign homework, take attendance, and conduct meetings. These additional tasks were added to their already demanding workload, often requiring them to work beyond their regular hours. As a result, teachers faced numerous challenges on both personal and professional fronts, often sacrificing their family time and comfort to meet their responsibilities. Low salaries further compounded the challenges of an already demanding workload, making it difficult for teachers to maintain their mental peace and wellbeing. These factors often resulted in teacher educators seeking better job opportunities, contributing to instability in the teacher community and educational institutions. Consequently, the role of teacher educators extends beyond teaching to encompass administrative and other responsibilities. To keep pace with evolving demands, teacher educators need to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and progression throughout their careers.

Wellbeing and resilience are strongly associated with each other. Wellbeing covers the cognitive and affective domains which can further affect the psychomotor skills, whereas resilience is an ability to cope with the challenges (Hascher et al., 2021). Resilience strengthens mental health and reduces chances of mental illness, stress, anxiety, and depression, thus, improving one’s coping ability to different changes. The ability to respond to challenges at a workplace is one of the valuable qualities of the teacher educators and serves as an indicator of their work satisfaction being contented with their professional role. In India, teacher educators have adopted various strategies in maintaining their motivation and balancing their work and family life. For example, training has been undertaken on emotional management, positive mindset and understanding and taking responsibility to develop their resilience strengths. Some others have used mindfulness, meditation, and have opted working five days a week instead of six.

Final thoughts

The education system in India, much like in other countries, has become more student-centred with the advent of technology, making teaching and learning processes more streamlined and adaptable. However, in India, these changes have complicated and challenged the work of teacher educators and the education system as a whole. The declining number of students opting for the teaching profession has led to ongoing teacher shortages, making it difficult for schools to sustain quality teachers for longer periods. Therefore, it is essential for higher educational institutions to develop innovative ways to support the general wellbeing and mental health of teacher educators. It is evident that a strong and resilient education system depends on the students, teachers, and their families. Higher education organisations in India should embrace digital education in a way that it contributes to the wellbeing of teacher educators. For example, firstly, by providing flexible work arrangements and allowing teacher educators to work from home that can help them manage their workload and achieve a better work-life balance. Secondly, offering opportunities for professional development so that teacher educators are able to enhance their skills and knowledge to stay up-to-date with the latest digital teaching trends. Thirdly, using technology to reduce teacher educators’ workload by automating certain tasks, such as grading and assessments, creating improved ways to communicate with their students, colleagues, and supervisors. This can help them build stronger relationships and reduce feelings of isolation. By embracing digital education appropriately, teacher educators can become more effective in their teaching and enjoy greater job satisfaction that can have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.


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Corresponding author: Dr. Anu Verma, Assistant Professor, Chitkara College of Education , Chitkara University,

Eila Burns, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, School of Professional Teacher Education, Jamk University of Applied Sciences. 0000-0001-5433-643X