Selective pore filling of mesoporous CMK-5 carbon studied by XRD: Comparison between theoretical simulations and experimental results

Christian Weinberger, Marc Hartmann, Sai Ren, Thomas Sandberg, Jan-Henrik Smått, Michael Tiemann

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It is possible to infiltrate a guest species selectively in one pore system of bimodal mesoporous CMK-5 carbon by an optimized nanocasting procedure. The selective filling has a drastic impact on the low-angle X-ray diffraction pattern of this novel class of materials. The structures of CMK-5, CMK-5 composite materials (sulfur and SnO2 as guest species), and CMK-3 carbon were simulated to investigate the influence of the pore filling with different guest species on the diffraction pattern and compared with experimental results. Additionally, the impact of structural defects is taken into account. The nature of the guest species strongly influences the relative intensity of the diffraction peaks. It turns out that the diffraction patterns of sulfur-carbon composite materials are nearly identical as those of CMK-3 carbon, which is attributed to a similar electron density of carbon and sulfur. Thus, sulfur is an ideal guest species to investigate the selective pore filling in CMK-5 carbon.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)24–31
Number of pages8
JournalMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials
Publication statusPublished - 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Ordered mesoporous carbon
  • CMK-5 carbon
  • Low-angle X-ray diffraction

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