Self-Assembly of Enzyme-Like Nanofibrous G-Molecular Hydrogel for Printed Flexible Electrochemical Sensors

RB Zhong, Q Tang, SP Wang, HB Zhang, Hongbo Zhang, MS Xiao, TT Man, Qu XM, Li L, WJ Zhang, H Pei

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Conducting hydrogels provide great potential for creating designer shape-morphing architectures for biomedical applications owing to their unique solid-liquid interface and ease of processability. Here, a novel nanofibrous hydrogel with significant enzyme-like activity that can be used as ink to print flexible electrochemical devices is developed. The nanofibrous hydrogel is self-assembled from guanosine (G) and KB(OH)(4) with simultaneous incorporation of hemin into the G-quartet scaffold, giving rise to significant enzyme-like activity. The rapid switching between the sol and gel states responsive to shear stress enables free-form fabrication of different patterns. Furthermore, the replication of the G-quartet wires into a conductive matrix by in situ catalytic deposition of polyaniline on nanofibers is demonstrated, which can be directly printed into a flexible electrochemical electrode. By loading glucose oxidase into this novel hydrogel, a flexible glucose biosensor is developed. This study sheds new light on developing artificial enzymes with new functionalities and on fabrication of flexible bioelectronics.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)
Number of pages8
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • enzyme mimicking
  • flexible electrochemical sensors
  • guanosine
  • low-molecular-weight hydrogels
  • self-assembly

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